10 November 2021

Mainfreight Financial Results for the six months ended 30 September 2021

Mainfreight is pleased to provide you with a copy of its financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2021, together with Management commentary, as released to the market via NZX. 

A pleasing half-year result with all 5 regions contributing strongly to the improved financial performance.
  • Revenue $2.274 billion this is up $665.52 million or 41.4% 
  • Profit before tax $181.99 million this is up $79.72 million or 78.0%
We are extremely proud of our people, across our global network, who have worked tirelessly to produce these results. 

We will release our full-year results for the 2022 financial year to the market on 26 May 2022.
Financial Statement for the six months to September 2021

Financial Statement for the six months to September 2021

Mainfreight is pleased to provide you with our financial statements for the six months to September 2021, as released to the market

Mainfreight Results for six months to September 2021

Mainfreight Results for six months to September 2021

Mainfreight is pleased to provide management commentary for the six months to September 2021

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