Chemical Warehousing

Goods from several DG classes can be stored and handled in our PGS-15 warehouse

Chemical Warehousing

Warehousing of dangerous / hazardous goods (ADR) is done according the PGS 15 (CPR 15-2) guidelines. In the Netherlands in's-Heerenberg as well as Born, we offer chemical warehousing solutions.

Chemical warehousing in 's-Heerenberg

The warehousing of environmentally dangerous goods in 's-Heerenberg takes place in our chemical warehouse. By separating compartments, it is possible to store goods from several ADR classifications in one warehouse.

Concrete walls, water tight floors, fire proof doors, smoke detectors and qualified personnel guarantee an ideal safety for product, man and the environment. The total warehousing capacity of our chemical warehousing facility in 's-Heerenberg exceeds 7.000 square metres.

Combined with a 10 metre height, we can offer capacity for over 10.000 pallets. This capacity is available for several types of dangerous goods, such as spray cans, aggressive cleaning liquids, industrial inks and/or paint.

Precautions chemical warehouse

The chemical warehouse in 's-Heerenberg is equipped with an automated HI-EX inside and outside air foam system. This system is in particular developed to effectively extinguish fires in chemical warehouses. The foam only contains two percent of water. Collateral damage due to water will be limited to a minimum. 

Chemical warehousing Born

Mainfreight Logistic Services Born is located less than 12 km from the Chemelot site in Geleen. Since 2002 Mainfreight is the logistics specialist for the Chemelot site. At this site Mainfreight carries out logistical activities for companies such as DSM and SABIC.

These activities comprise the management of critical spare parts, and raw and auxiliary materials, as well as logistic support at projects, turnarounds and maintenance work. Our forwarding department takes care of complicated and special transport for many of the site users. The total activity package comprises four different services.
Click here to read more about our chemical warehousing site in Born.

Customised solutions

Our analysts generate a variety of scenarios to support you in creating the most cost effective supply chain and technology solution for your business.

Continuous Improvement Program

Our team members are characterised by a culture of continuous improvement, aimed at exceeding customer service levels in our partnerships.

Visibility across the supply chain

All our systems are connected to our web-based system Mainchain, allowing our customers have full advanced supply chain visibility.

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